Section: Software

CGPE: Code Generation for Polynomial Evaluation

Participants : Christophe Mouilleron, Claude-Pierre Jeannerod.

The CGPE project, developed with Guillaume Revy (DALI research team, Université de Perpignan and LIRMM laboratory), aims at generating C codes for fast and certified polynomial evaluation, given various accuracy and architectural constraints. Several improvements for this tool, based on the addition of constraints in the first step of the generation process, were proposed in the PhD thesis of Ch. Mouilleron [12] . These improvements have been implemented, thus allowing us to reduce the whole generation time by about 50% on average.

  • ACM: D.2.2 (Software libraries), G.4 (Mathematical software).

  • Recommended library or software: MPFI or Gappa.

  • License: CeCiLL

  • Type of human computer interaction: command-line interface

  • OS/Middelware: Unix

  • Required library or software: Xerces-C++ XML Parser library and MPFR

  • Programming Language: C++

  • Status: beta

  • Documentation: available in html format on URL: http://cgpe.gforge.inria.fr/